Filmmaker of the Week: Jill Maria Robinson

Our filmmaker of the week is Jill Maria Robinson! Read on to learn all about Jill, her cinematic inspirations, and her latest projects!

CSIF: Tell us about yourself; what do you do in the film industry?

Jill Maria Robinson: I’m a Jill of all trades! I even modelled for designer Elena Golovi recently! Haha. I’m an aspiring indie documentary filmmaker, which started and was inspired by Sandi Somers and Corey Lee’s Community Stories Program during COVID time. I learned for three months, virtually, how to make a project, shoot, edit and have it delivered to Telus, which ended up being called The Dreamers series and is on still on VOD.

I’m an actor once in a while and makeup artist, but, truly, I am a connector and media consultant. I help people realize that their dreams can come true! I work with a handful of magazines and media outlets that help support my media clients! I work very hard in the Calgary film community and I love it. I am proud to be  a part of it and live in Calgary.

For the last six months I have been working with the Miss Universe Canada finalist Quinn Teechma, with Barb Sim, photographer D. Ballingall, Elwyn Lewis, David Bond, and with the support of Nav Khiljie.

CSIF: How did you get started in filmmaking? Why did you decide to become a filmmaker?

JMR: Always wanting to tell stories as a kid and finding myself considering having an interesting adoption story at 3. I felt film was truly a way to learn about being human and how they learn to cope and thrive in life! But as we all know, it’s never that easy! I truly started learning from watching others. I learned the art of filmmaking from people like Jordan Gooden, Zulie Alnahas, Lesia Tyra Bear, Berkley Brady, Joe Novak, Nav Khiljie, Paul Fry, Neil Enock, Sandi Somers and Corey Lee.

Having made many of my own videos for my media work, I found it necessity to learn how to tell stories and share it with others. It seems like a natural step for me being an actor and entertainment writer, that I would want to become a cinematographer and filmmaker.

CSIF: What movie(s) inspired you to become a filmmaker?

JMR: I always credit Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, and anything made by Martin Scorsese or Ron Howard. I will happily watch anything with Denzel Washington, J. Lo, Seth Rogan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman, Salma Hayek, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Adam Sandler, Jim Carey, Tom Hanks, Tiffany Amber Thiessen, Daniel Day Lewis, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Oprah, Kim Kardashian, Mila Kunis, Drew Barrymore, Megan Fox, Cher and Marilyn Monroe in it. Also, of course, I’m a 90’s girl. Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon and Suits with Meghan Markle are also inspirations!

I have a love for films that never gets old for me. I have watched most of the classics and I have all the TV streaming apps so I can watch everything new now too! The era of movies I was truly inspired by were 1960s- 2005.

CSIF: What kinds of stories are you interested in telling?

JMR: The hard stories that make you think and make you realize what life is truly about. My thing right now is sharing stories of artists and people I meet along the way and people who inspire me to keep going! The stories of their past and what got them to where they are today really fascinates me.

My scripted series I’m still trying to start to seriously develop, is set in the 1950’s and a mob style mini series I can’t wait to one day develop.

My birth family the Banu and Mateas’ in Romania inspire me to want to share the story of finding my family after 30 years on my own. When I am back in Romania soon I will be shooting the Finding Garofita documentary, which will be so emotional.

CSIF: What is the most important thing you’ve learned in your practice as a filmmaker so far?

JMR: Practice and to not give up on yourself. Go to school. Learn how to make films properly on paper and with a team before you just shoot with no idea or plan! Haha. We all have to do the hard work and the producing set up to make a great project. How a film is conducted and created, what tools and styles you decide, they all matter. Don’t ever be lazy. What quality of work you present to the world is kind of your view as a filmmaker! So take your time and really know how to make the story interesting for the audience!

CSIF: What advice do you have for other filmmakers?

JMR: Go to school for film!  There is so much to learn. All the work to make a project deliverable sometimes can take a small community to bring their talents together to make one beautiful story. Don’t forget you could always use a trusted team!

Find the tools and programs that work for you! If I would have known about the Cinando site before attending Cannes virtually, I would have had a lot less stress to connect to supportive and productive production companies and more.

CSIF: What is the most embarrassing or funniest thing that has happened to you on set?

JMR: My dog Relu may have peed on set in front of everyone.

I may have had some gas.. in my tummy and everyone laughed when we had to cut. It’s happened to all of us I’m sure! Haha.

CSIF: Tell us about your most recent project.

JMR: I am working on a series called The Dreamers.

The Dreamers is a documentary series that uncovers the struggles of Canadian Artists who have overcome adversity to be able to share stories with the world about how to be human and how to live a better life. I have an in-depth behind the scenes look into their life with our guests. They have all achieved great things and we ask them how they have achieved their dreams. It’s now on Telus TV and’s YouTube channel. I don’t intend to stop doing documentaries. I love them and get to truly become close with my subjects and see what they go through in life to achieve their dreams. They inspire me!

CSIF: Any final thoughts/words regarding filmmaking/being a filmmaker in Calgary?

JMR: Make sure to support CSIF and the community their team has built. They are the reason I am in the industry today, they created a great space for new filmmakers to have support online and in their studio! I’m a proud CSIF member and encourage others to join!

CSIF: What is a film that you wish you made and why?

JMR: A 50’s mob movie I developed with Daniel Edward Tomilson over six years ago! The story I want to tell is about a woman trying to find her self in a new life that she had to escape from to survive. I want to share exhilarating and dramatic projects that could be classics one day. I have a big dream!

Favourite movie: Wizard of Oz, Casino, American Gangster, Savages, Grease, Gangs of New York, any TV series that makes me laugh. Anything Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg.

Favourite movie snack: Carmel Pop Corn, M&M’s, Hot Dogs and Nachos.

Instagram: @thedreamersseries

Facebook: Jill Maria Mateas

YouTube: @imherewithmag

LinkedIn: Jill Maria Mateas Robinson