Volunteering with CSIF is an awesome way to not only gain your Production Membership, but also support the independent film community, meet new people in the film community, and gave fun!
There are tons of ways to volunteer with CSIF. If you are interested in volunteering on set on a member shoot, email Nick at production@csif.org to set something up. We always need help at screenings and events and around the office. Every 18 months CSIF also participates in an AGLC Casino, which is a major way we get funding. Joining the Board of Directors, a committee, or leading a CSIF club is also a great way to get those hours. If our community partners ever need help, we also occasionally offer volunteer hours in partnership with other organizations. All CSIF volunteer hours must be verified by a staff member before they can count towards a Production membership hours.
You can sign up for volunteering by clicking here.
If you are interested in volunteering but don’t see what you’re looking for, just send us an email! We will be happy to set something up.